
Envirowest offers environmental planning services for a variety of applications. Our experience and expertise in the development of planning and policy initiatives allows us to construct plans that pursue progressive goals and objectives. We regularly provide services for resource management, urban, park and impact mitigation planning exercises.

Project Application and Documentation

Resource management planning initiatives require an integrated management approach, involving multi-sectoral consultation and the pursuit of a suitable mix of conservation and environmentally sustainable use of natural resources.

Envirowest has managed or contributed to a number of such initiatives, such as land and resource management planning (LRMPs), integrated coastal management planning, and wildlife management area planning. We have also produced environmental design manuals, providing the technical foundation required for the implementation of environmental planning initiatives.

Urban Planning and Development

Conservation goals and objectives are a regular component of urban planning and development policies. Envirowest provides professional services to planning initiatives that seek to deliver conservation goals and objectives. Such initiatives are founded upon sound baseline environmental information. In this regard, we apply our expertise to perform tasks such as:

  • inventory, classification and mapping of physical and biological resources;
  • identification of species and habitats, and interpretation of habitat use and values; and
  • assessment and ranking of environmental sensitivities.

Envirowest participates in the synthesis of community development plans. Elements of these plans include storm water management, park designation and conceptual design, and environmental protection and conservation, including guidelines and recommendations for the protection of managed species and their habitats.

Impact Mitigation Planning

The construction and operation phases of development require guidance to adequately mitigate impacts to environmental resources. Such guidance is provided by impact mitigation plans that identify, for example, protocols to minimize the release of deleterious substances to water features, delineation of environmentally sensitive areas, and the identification of work windows to avoid environmentally sensitive life history stages for fish and wildlife. These plans also identify protocols for responses in the event of a transgression, such as the response in the event of the release of a deleterious substance.

Envirowest’s expertise in environmental impact assessment, planning, construction and monitoring affords it the capability to develop practical management plans for the construction and operation of developments.

Richmond Olympic Speed Skating Oval
Envirowest was retained by Cannon Design on behalf of the City of Richmond to provide environmental consulting services associated with the design and construction of the Richmond Olympic Speed Skating Oval (Oval). We prepared a biophysical assessment report, which…
Courtenay River Estuary Management Plan
Envirowest was retained by the Fisheries and Oceans Canada to develop a management plan for the Courtenay River estuary. Under the federal Oceans Act, DFO is mandated to lead in the development and implementation of management plans for all…
Shoreline Structures Environmental Design: A Guide for Structures along Estuaries and Large Rivers
Mr. Mark Adams is a Principal and Senior Project Biologist/Manager with Envirowest. He is an acknowledged leading authority on impact mitigation and compensation planning and design, having been retained by regulatory agencies to author environmental design manuals and reports,…